Photograph Album - Downs School for Young Ladies, Seaford 1910's still life by Ben Franks This project resulted from the acquisition of a photograph album (pictured above) containing over 80 images from a camera group at the Downs School for Young Ladies in Seaford during and just prior to WW1. They described themselves as the "Camera Fiends". The term "camera fiend" originated around 1900 to describe people armed with such newly mobile cameras as Kodak's Brownie . Otherwise from a 1911 murder mystery by E.W. Hornung who's main character is a boy on leave from a boarding school. The album starts with Michaelmas Term (Oct to Dec) 1913 and goes up to Summer Term 1915. The school terms were 'Lent' (Jan to Mar), 'Easter'/'Summer' (Apr to Jun) and, Michaelmas (Oct to mid-Dec). Each term was about 12 weeks long. I will be sharing these photographs and some other images to include the names of the photographers and pictured stude...